22 March 2013 — 8PM
Rocky Horton – Stephanie Hough – Marco Mendeni
Jessica Miller – Zach Nader – Charmaine Ortiz
Mikey Peterson – Rembrandt Quiballo – Tahir Ün
MIA presents video art from nine artists working with repetition, manipulation and found footage on March 22nd. These artworks each focus the audience’s attention through selective editing and image manipulation in order to reveal secondary meanings behind the initial surface impression.

Blowout (2012) from Arizona based Rembrandt Quiballo, features video of explosions uploaded by American soldiers during the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Chicago based Mikey Peterson gives us Anas Nebula (2012), a stylized one-shot video where a collision dramatically alters the space, displacing the viewer and revealing that patterns made by the human mind are not always what they seem.
From North Carolina based Charmaine Ortiz, Search: “How to Draw a Woman”, Male Perspectives from YouTube Result Pages 1-50 (2012) is compiled from videos by male authors who describe the techniques and attributes necessary to draw a woman while simultaneously revealing their own expectations, prejudices, fears and desires in their instructions as well as visually in their drawings created from memory.
In edited car commercials with the cars, people and text digitally removed, Brooklyn based Zach Nader reveals the spectacular landscapes and our expectations in optional features shown (2012)
At once humourous and poignant, Brooklyn based Jessica Miller consults with psychic mediums in a search for critcal advice from dead artists in The Medium (2012).
Italian artist Marco Mendeni hacks videogames. In FOV01 (2012) he reveals only the digital landscapes that form the backdrop during normal play.
In I Don’t Wanna Talk About It (2012), Irish artist Stephanie Hough removed all of the dialoge from an infomercial, revealing the actors’ unconsious actions and behaviors.
Tennessee based Rocky Horton, gives us a wry take on pop stars and award shows with all the songs God is responsible for according to Grammy Awards acceptance speeches 1971-2012 (2012).
8PM – March 22, 2013
The Armory Center for the Arts
145 N. Raymond Ave.
Pasadena, CA 91103
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